Janusz Niemiec
Research Assistant at
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
- Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
- 111 College Place
- Syracuse University
- Syracuse, New York 13224-4100
- tel: (315) 443-3190
- fax: (315) 443-1973
- email: janusz@npac.syr.edu
- Education
- MSEE. Telecommunication , September 1982 -- July 1987,
Technical University of Wroclaw , Poland
- MSCS. Computer Science , September 1985 -- July 1989,
Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland
- Ph.D. Candidate in
Computer and Information Science ,
July 1991 - Present,
Syracuse University , USA
- Research Interests
- User-level Multithreading for Parallel and Distributed Computing
- High Speed Networks and Protocols
- Operating Systems
- Parallel Languages
- Parallel Architectures
- Parallel I/O
- Real Time Embedded Systems
- Involved in the following NPAC Projects
- List of Papers and Technical Reports
Niemiec, J., Furmanski, W., Fox, G., Thread-based Communication Environment (In Preparation).
Faigle, C., Furmanski, W., Haupt, T., Niemiec, J., Podgorny, M., and
Simoni, D.A.,
MOVIE model for Open Systems based High Performance Distributed
Computing, in Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on High
Performance Distributed Computing HPDC-1, Syracuse, NY, Sept 1992, also
published in a special HPDC issue of Concurrency: Practice and
Experience, Vol. 5(4), 287-308, June 1993.
Faigle, C., Fox, G.C., Furmanski, W., Haupt, T. and Niemiec, J.,
Software Integration towards Global Computing,
NPAC Technical Report, 1993.
Faigle, C., Fox, G.C., Furmanski, W., Niemiec, J. and Simoni, D.,
System Requirements for Dynamic Load Balancing in Homogeneous Platforms
for Heterogeneous HPDC: Case Study Using MOVIE,
NPAC Technical Report 1993.
Furmanski, W., and Niemiec, J.,
Process Scheduling in MOVIE 0.7,
NPAC Technical Report, 1993.
Furmanski, W., and Niemiec, J.,
Network Communication in MOVIE 0.7,
NPAC Technical Report, 1993.
Faigle, C., Fox, G.C., Furmanski, W., Niemiec, J., and Simoni, D.A.,
Supercomputing and VR Networking: Emerging Standards
for HPCC, in Proceedings
of the Meckler Conference Virtual Reality '93, San Jose, CA, May 19-21,
Furmanski, W., Faigle, C., Haupt, T., Niemiec, J., Podgorny, M., and
Simoni, D.A.,
MOVIE model for Open Systems based High Performance Distributed
Concurrency: Practice and Experience, Vol. 5(4), 287-308, June 1993.
Niemiec, J., MNI: MOVIE Network Interface,
NPAC Technical Report, 1993.
Faigle, C., Fox, G.C., Furmanski, W., Niemiec, J. and Simoni, D.,
Integrating Virtual Environments with High Performance Computing,
in Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International
Symposium, VRAIS'93, Sept 18-22, 1993, Seattle, WA.
Fox, G.C., Furmanski, W., Hornberger, P., Niemiec, J., and Simoni, D.,
Towards Interactive HPCC: High Performance
Fortran Interpreter,
Handout Material for the HPFI Demo at the Supercomputing'93,
Portland, Oregon, Nov 15-19, 1993.
Niemiec, J.,
CC++, pC++, Charm and Orca: Languages for Paralllel Programming,
NPAC Technical Report, December 1993.
Fox, G.C., Furmanski, W., Hornberger, P., Niemiec, J., and Simoni, D.A.,
Implementing Televirtuality
paper to be presented at the International Meeting
on Applications of Virtual Reality, British Computer Society, Displays Group,
U.K., June 1994.
"Applications of Virtual Reality", June 1994.
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