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LOCAL foilset Overview of Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium Activities Master Foilset

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at ARPA Environments PI Meeting Washington on June 9-10 97. Foils prepared 27 June 97
More Detail! * Foil Index from this file *

This describes overall goals of PCRC and
Statement of Problem, approach, Results, Collaboration with China
WebFlow PCRC Integration
HPF Front End and Tester
The Runtime Infrastructure

Table of Contents for Overview of Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium Activities Master Foilset

1 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium
2 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium
3 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Common Runtime Support for High Performance Languages
4 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Statement of Problem and Proposed Solution!
5 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Innovations in Project
6 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Technology Impact
7 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Future Activities
8 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML International Collaboration
9 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebFlow Integration
10 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebFlow and PCRC
11 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML General Web Integration Model
12 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Common Runtime Support for High Performance Languages-1
13 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Common Runtime Support for High Performance Languages-2
14 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML PCRC HPC Infrastructure
15 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HPFfe: Front-end for HPF
16 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HPFtester-1
17 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML HPFtester-2
18 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML PCRC Runtime: MPI-Based
19 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML WebFlow Software Integration Model
20 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integrated Compiled and Interpreted Environment
21 Separate IMAGE * Separate HTML Integration of Classic HPCC with DoD Modeling and Simulation

Full WebWisdom URL and this Foilset Search
Alias List This contains all WebWisdom links preceded by those referenced in this foilset

List of WebWisdom URL's Used in this Foilset

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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Page produced by wwwfoil on Sun Jul 6 1997