HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared August 4 1996

Foil 9 Observation on Parallelism -- Burton Smith

From Summary of Working Groups at PAWS and PetaSoft Meetings PAWS(Mandalay Beach) and PetSoft(Bodega Bay) -- April 23 and June 17-19,96. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

Observation on Parallelism
Consider what level of parallelism will be required for the proposed superconducting system:
It will have 1024 processors, each with a clock frequency that is some 4000 times faster than the operational speed of DRAM main memory.
For main memory intensive applications, at least 4000 threads, such as a 4000-long vector of data, must be streaming through each CPU.
This means that the minimum level of parallelism required is 1024 x 4000 = 4 million.
Conclusion: One of the key advantages of a superconducting system will not be met unless large amounts of superconducting memory is included in the system, enough so that the fetches to main memory are relatively infrequent.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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