HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared August 4 1996

Foil 11 Some Questions from the Application Group to the Point Designs - II

From Summary of Working Groups at PAWS and PetaSoft Meetings PAWS(Mandalay Beach) and PetSoft(Bodega Bay) -- April 23 and June 17-19,96. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

3. What are your Hardware specifications -- peak performance rates of base processors, sizes and structures of the various levels of the memory hierarchy (including caches), latency and bandwidth of communication links between each level, etc.
4. What are your Synchronization mechanisms; hardware fault tolerance facilities.
5. What are your Mass storage, I/O and visualization facilities.
6. Comment on support for extended precision (i.e., 128-bit and/or higher precision integer and floating-point arithmetic) -- hardware or software.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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