HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared August 23 1996

Foil 24 PetaSoft Recommendations 1) to 3) Memory and Software Hierarchy

From Software Strategy for JNAC (PetaFlops) Initiative JNAC (PetaFlops) Presentation -- August 28,1996. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

1)Explore issues in design of petaComputer machine models which will support the controllable hierarchical memory systems in a range of important architectures
  • Research and development in areas of findings 3) and 4)
2)Explore techniques for control of memory hierarchy for petaComputer architectures
  • Use testbeds
3)Explore issues in designing layered software architectures -- particularly efficient mapping and efficient interfaces to lower levels
  • Use context of petaflop applications and machines
  • e.g. HPF is a possible layer while HPF Extrinsics is an interface to a lower (MPI) layer

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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