HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared June 28,1996

Foil 2 The Visible Human Project

From Overview of Rome Laboratory CIV HealthCare Application Rome Laboratory Quaterly Review -- June 28,1996. by Roman Markowski * See also color IMAGE

Funded by the National Library of Medicine implemented at the University of Coloradio HSC.
39 - year old white male who donated his body to science after being convicted of murder and sentenced to death.
Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI - 256x256x12) - head scanned axially, the other sections scanned coronally.
Computed Tomography (CT - 512x512x12) - soft tissue and bones.
Anatomical color photographs - 1878 transverse slices, each 1 milimeter wide; Each slice of the original data is in a 2048x1216 pixel 24-bit color image.
NPAC has obtained a copy of the Visible Human data set 14GB and
license to use it.
Female VH not downloaded : 5,000 cross sections (40 GB). Good for 3D reconstructions (cubic voxels, 0.33mm size).

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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