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LOCAL foilset Overview of Rome Laboratory CIV HealthCare Application

Given by Roman Markowski at Rome Laboratory Quaterly Review on June 28,1996. Foils prepared June 28,1996
Abstract * Foil Index for this file

This described our decision to focus on Visible Human Activity in Healthcare Sector of RL CIV Applications
We give the status of the 2D and 3D Version of the web Interfaces

Table of Contents for full HTML of Overview of Rome Laboratory CIV HealthCare Application

1 Medical Application
2 The Visible Human Project
3 Java based 2D Viewer
4 Data preperation
5 Segmentation
6 Visualization

This table of Contents Abstract

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Foil 1 Medical Application

From Overview of Rome Laboratory CIV HealthCare Application Rome Laboratory Quaterly Review -- June 28,1996. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
We narrowed Medical Application to two possibilities
1. Telemedicine / Interventional Informatics /CareWeb (SU College of Nursing, Suny HSC, NPAC, Syracuse City Scool District)2. 3D Visualization of Medical Data - Visible Human (Data available, 14 GB from National Library of Medicine)
We have demonstrations of CareWeb which is quite similar in structure to C2 application (A3) SanD Diego, Health Info/Bridge, January Washington DC, HealthInfo, April Syracuse, Telemedicine Conference, May
We have focused on visualization issues in 2) - 3D interactive visualization
of human internal organs in their true form and shape

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Foil 2 The Visible Human Project

From Overview of Rome Laboratory CIV HealthCare Application Rome Laboratory Quaterly Review -- June 28,1996. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Funded by the National Library of Medicine implemented at the University of Coloradio HSC.
39 - year old white male who donated his body to science after being convicted of murder and sentenced to death.
Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI - 256x256x12) - head scanned axially, the other sections scanned coronally.
Computed Tomography (CT - 512x512x12) - soft tissue and bones.
Anatomical color photographs - 1878 transverse slices, each 1 milimeter wide; Each slice of the original data is in a 2048x1216 pixel 24-bit color image.
NPAC has obtained a copy of the Visible Human data set 14GB and
license to use it.
Female VH not downloaded : 5,000 cross sections (40 GB). Good for 3D reconstructions (cubic voxels, 0.33mm size).

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Foil 3 Java based 2D Viewer

From Overview of Rome Laboratory CIV HealthCare Application Rome Laboratory Quaterly Review -- June 28,1996. * See also color IMAGE
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The NPAC Visible Human Viewer is an interactive graphical interface written in Java
Java applet allows to select and view high resolution images of 2-dimensional slices (axial, coronal, sagittal) of e human body
We have created lower resolution data for easier downloading (medium and low resolution)
In December 1995, NPAC's Visible Human Viewer was awarded two JARS (JAVA Applet Rating Service) Awards and was featured on the February 17, 96 episode of "Computer Chronicles" on PBS In May, the Viewer received Java Cup International Award

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Foil 4 Data preperation

From Overview of Rome Laboratory CIV HealthCare Application Rome Laboratory Quaterly Review -- June 28,1996. * See also color IMAGE
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We have cropped the original images and removed the gelatin backgroud
We have constructed slices in two orthogonal panels (sagittal and coronal views); aligning required - linear interpolation between slices; best fit of features as a function of translations and rotations
The resulting images were converted to JPEG format using a 75%
For 3D reconstruction we focused on the human head
Image Clipper Application program (demo, written in Java) allows to cut the selected portion of the image and apply the procedure to all images in the stack (700 images XxY)
Data stored in voxel represenation in Illustra object-relational database (x, y, z, r, g, b)
The original dataset reduced to 70 images XxY

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Foil 5 Segmentation

From Overview of Rome Laboratory CIV HealthCare Application Rome Laboratory Quaterly Review -- June 28,1996. * See also color IMAGE
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Image volume must be segmented into its anatomical constituents.
Automatic segmentation is not possible.
Interactive, semiautomatic segmentation is time consuming (one man-year to segment 300 anatomical objects).
Algoritms ( histogramming, thresholding, edge enhancements, non-rational uniform B-spline).
Map Seperation methon in AVS (demo) (mussle easy, bone difficult).
Map separation implementation in Java (demo).
Bone tissue cannot be separated from anatomical images.
We must come back to CT images and do aligning CT-anathomy.

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Foil 6 Visualization

From Overview of Rome Laboratory CIV HealthCare Application Rome Laboratory Quaterly Review -- June 28,1996. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Java applet (6 images 44x44) very slow
AVS may be used to generate a polygon set and for rendering (demo)
Other possibilities: OpenGL, Open Inventor
VRML - Virtual Reality Modeling Language - interpreted language based on Open Inventor ASCII format
Animation, behavior, interaction is included in version 2.0
MovingWorlds de facto standard. VRML 2.0 viewer available from SGI (WebSpace)

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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