Basic HTML version of Foils prepared August 2 98

Foil 3 PET FMS Year 2 Deliverables

From Summary of ARL Review Discussion of Forces Modeling and Simulation ARL End of Year 2 Review Aberdeen Sheraton 4 Points -- July 29-30 98. by Wojtek Furmanski, Geoffrey C. Fox

General FMS Support and Tech Tracking - Web Site (300+ Pages)
RTI Parallelization Planning - NPAC joins CHSSI FMS-5
SPEEDES Training Materials - Web Database for Source and Documentation Navigation
FMS Training - 4 courses, 12 papers, FMS Training Space / Database -- includes future SIW98 Orlando paper
Visual Simulation Tools - WebFlow+Excel+VBA+DirectX for Jager - commodity version of DMSO technology
Parallel CMS Planning (CEWES) - runs at ARL, tech report ready -- will be focus of application work
Object Web RTI (CEWES) - implemented, alpha release fall 98 is foundation of WebHLA architecture and FMS metacomputing for future

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