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Methods to try to solve the Evolution Equations

The inner boundary is a problem for several reasons:

  1. We will excise the points inside the apparent horizon.
  2. We would like to excise the points inside the event horizon. The problem is that the event horizon is only known at . Thus, we need a way to exclude the singularity of the hole.
  3. The apparent horizon is found by looking for Trapped surfaces. This breaks down into solving a very difficult elliptic equation.
  4. When the hole moves in the computational domain, coordinate points that were previously excised will now appear inside the computational domain.
Many groups have explored special ways to difference around the holes (causal differencing). A new formalism, J. York, the ``hyperbolic'' formalism was developed such that relativist would not have to worry about the gauge freedom.

  • Below is an embedding of a curved black hole space in a fault Euclidian space at t=4.0M with maximal slicing. The long cylinder is formed by the avoidance of the central singularity. The color represents how fast clocks record proper time (red for slow, blue for fast). Background is the Cygnus region Cygnus X-1 (x-ray source) is a possible candidate for a black hole. Picture from L. Smarr, D. Hobill, D. Bernstein;NCSA.

    Scott Klasky
    Wed Feb 28 10:19:33 EST 1996