Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 13 98

Foil 59 Two applications:

From Report on FMS and Web Interfaces for Computational MOdules CEWES Mid year Project Review -- September 14-15 1998. by David Bernholdt, Geoffrey C. Fox, Wojtek Furmanski, Tom Haupt

1 Landscape Modeling System
  • select a computational model (currently CASC2D interoperating with EDYS), retrieve the input data, preprocess them using WMS, transfer the data to the hosts on which the models are to be run, launch the applications, and visualize the result on the local host.
2 Assessment and Repair of Roadways
  • GIS-based front-end implemented as a Java applet that allows the user to define a problem by interactively selecting features on the map, and run it on a selected host. The raw input data (GIS maps, status of roads, etc.) come from many different sources, in different formats, and are of different quality.

in Table To:

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