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CEWES Year 3 Proposed NPAC Activitie

Given by David Bernholdt, Geoffrey C. Fox at CEWES End of Year 2 Review Vicksburg on Feb 24-26 98. Foils prepared Feb 21 98

Web technologies and their applications are growing explosively
Web technologies offer a unique way to access large volumes of information, including databases, results of scientific calculations, and educational materials
Consequently, web technologies can and should play a major role in improving access and ease of use in HPCC-related areas, just as in the world at large

Table of Contents for CEWES Year 3 Proposed NPAC Activitie

001 CEWES MSRC PET Program Year 3 Proposals
002 Vision
003 Vision (2)
004 Vision (3)
005 Advantages to the Warfighter
006 Core Support
007 Maintenance and On-Site Installation of Web-Linked Database 
008 Maintenance and On-Site Installation of Web-Linked Database 
    Systems (2)
009 HPCC Educational CD-ROM
010 HPCC Educational CD-ROM (2)
011 CMS Parallelization
012 High Performance  Distributed Object Web-Based HLA Demonstration
013 High Performance  Distributed Object Web-Based HLA Demonstration 
014 Distance Education for  Curricula Enhancement
015 Prototype Distance  Training for DoD Users
016 SciVis for Collaborative  Scientific Visualization
017 SciVis for Collaborative  Scientific Visualization (2)
018 Base Tango Support
019 Base Tango Support (2)
020 Web Interfaces for  Computational Modules
021 Web Interfaces for Computational Modules (2)
022 Web Interfaces for Computational Modules (3)
023 Web Interfaces for Computational Modules (4)

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