List of AddOns(Notes) for HPCC based on Commodity Technologies
Addon Foils Listed by Foils that Invoke Them
Foil 51 Login to SP2 with a Web Interface at NIST - I
Foil 55 Kivanc Dincer's Java FrontEnd to Pablo - I
Foil 59 Article on MIP Sucking Java Applets
Foil 132 TANGOsim Collaboration/ Simulation/ Training in Java
Foil 163 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for HPCC? -Java- I
Foil 164 Performance of Java is Dreadful!
Foil 165 LinPack Java Performance Updated to Sept 30 1996
Addon Foils Listed Alphabetically by URL
Title: Tango Description
Title: Submit to NIST SP2 Page
Title: Java LINPACK Benchmark Page
Title: Pablo Java Interface
Title: Mip Sucking Article -- Press Archive and week of January 6 Tuesday
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