Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 8 January 98

Foil 34 Overall Remarks on the March to PetaFlops - II

From General NPAC Foils-B starting June97(PowerPoint) Beijing and Chang Sha China -- 28 Dec 97 to 5 Jan 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 All proposed designs have VERY deep memory hierarchies which are a challenge to algorithms, compilers and even communication subsystems
2 Major need for hig-end performance computers comes from government (both civilian and military) applications
  • DoE ASCI (study of aging of nuclear weopens) and Weather/Climate prediction are two examples
3 Government must develop systems using commercial suppliers but NOT relying on traditionasl industry applications to motivate
4 So Currently Petaflop initiative is thought of as an applied development project whereas HPCC was mainly a research endeavour

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