Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 8 January 98

Foil 68 Glossary of Terms VI

From General NPAC Foils-B starting June97(PowerPoint) Beijing and Chang Sha China -- 28 Dec 97 to 5 Jan 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 HPCC (High Performance Computing and Communication)
  • Originally a formal federal initiative but even after this ended in 1996, this term is used to describe the field devoted to solving large-scale problems with powerful computers and networks.
2 Computational Grid
  • A recent term used by the HPCC community to describe large scale distributed computing which draws on analogies with electrical power grids as enabling a revolution
3 HPcc (High Performance commodity computing)
  • NPAC project to develop a commodity computing based high performance computing software environment. Note that we have dropped "communications" referred to in the classic HPCC acronym. This is not because it is unimportant but rather because a commodity approach to high performance networking is already being adopted. We focus on high level services such as programming, data access and visualization that we abstract to the rather wishy-washy "computing" in the HPcc acronym.

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