Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 8 January 98

Foil 60 Comparison of HPCC and JNAC - II

From General NPAC Foils-B starting June97(PowerPoint) Beijing and Chang Sha China -- 28 Dec 97 to 5 Jan 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

HPCC aimed at Grand challenges in Industry Government and Academia
  • JNAC aimed at government (including NSF) mission critical applications
HPCC developed software (PSE's) largely independently in each Grand Challenge
  • JNAC will link software efforts to a few PSE's and a common set of JNAC Interfaces
HPCC tended to develop hardware with rapidly changing architectures which software "chased" rather laboriously
  • JNAC develops software simultaneously with hardware and to a uniform common architecture allowing better re-use of both application and systems software

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