Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 8 January 98

Foil 99 WebWisdom Design Details - III

From General NPAC Foils-B starting June97(PowerPoint) Beijing and Chang Sha China -- 28 Dec 97 to 5 Jan 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

The delivery system is based on customized shared browser windows for curricula together with more generic collaboration capabilities e.g. audio-videoconferencing is used by students and teachers for traditional voice interactions.
  • The collaboration subsystem must support multiple rooms and many groups of users.
We believe that impressive demonstrations of all the above capabilities have already been prototyped and one can now build such a system.
  • Note that as always in the rapidly changing web field it is critical to build systems in as modular fashion as possible and with the loosest (not tightest) relevant coupling.

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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Page produced by wwwfoil on Sat Jan 10 1998