HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 10 Sept 1996

Foil 2 First Class - Organizational Meeting

From Computational methods for Distributed Information Systems--Fall96 CPS606fall96 -- Fall Semester 96. by Nancy J.MacCracken * See also color IMAGE

This course is intended to introduce emerging software technologies relevant to the World Wide Web and equivalent subsets. It will include basic networking and standards for data representation and transport. The material will cover the languages Perl and Java and their use on the Web, including the development of interactive łapplet˛ programs that are distributed via a network for execution on a receiving client machine. Software applications will include databases linked to the Web and multimedia technologies.
Prerequisites: Students should have a good basic understanding of how computers work and should be confident in C and their ability to program.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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