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Given by Nancy J.MacCracken at CPS606fall96 on Fall Semester 96. Foils prepared 10 Sept 1996
Abstract * Foil Index for this file

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This course is intended to introduce emerging software technologies relevant to the World Wide Web and equivalent subsets. It will include basic networking and standards for data representation and transport. The material will cover the languages Perl and Java and their use on the Web, including the development of interactive ³applet² programs that are distributed via a network for execution on a receiving client machine. Software applications will include databases linked to the Web and multimedia technologies.
Prerequisites: Students should have a good basic understanding of how computers work and should be confident in C and their ability to program.

Table of Contents for full HTML of Computational methods for Distributed Information Systems--Fall96

1 CPS 406/606
Computational Methods for Distributed Information Systems
September 26, 1996

2 First Class - Organizational Meeting
3 Description of the Course
4 Comparison of course content with related courses
6 Java
7 Course Requirements

This table of Contents Abstract

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Foil 1 CPS 406/606
Computational Methods for Distributed Information Systems
September 26, 1996

From Computational methods for Distributed Information Systems--Fall96 CPS606fall96 -- Fall Semester 96. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Dr. Nancy McCracken, NPAC, 3-234 CST
Syracuse University
111 College Place
Syracuse NY 13244-4100

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Foil 2 First Class - Organizational Meeting

From Computational methods for Distributed Information Systems--Fall96 CPS606fall96 -- Fall Semester 96. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
This course is intended to introduce emerging software technologies relevant to the World Wide Web and equivalent subsets. It will include basic networking and standards for data representation and transport. The material will cover the languages Perl and Java and their use on the Web, including the development of interactive ³applet² programs that are distributed via a network for execution on a receiving client machine. Software applications will include databases linked to the Web and multimedia technologies.
Prerequisites: Students should have a good basic understanding of how computers work and should be confident in C and their ability to program.

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Foil 3 Description of the Course

From Computational methods for Distributed Information Systems--Fall96 CPS606fall96 -- Fall Semester 96. * See also color IMAGE
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Section 1 - (5 weeks)
  • ? Text: CGI Programming, Gundasavaram, O¹Reilly, April 1996.
  • Basic networking. Client/server architectures, http and MIME types, server side includes and browser plug-ins. CGI programming. Perl.
  • Programming assignments in C and Perl.
Section 2 - (8 weeks)
  • Applet architecture, Java: object-oriented programming, GUI classes, network connections, multi-threading. Applications include databases linked to the Web and image servers. Multimedia technologies such as image compression.
  • Programming assignments in Java.

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Foil 4 Comparison of course content with related courses

From Computational methods for Distributed Information Systems--Fall96 CPS606fall96 -- Fall Semester 96. * See also color IMAGE
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CPS406 vs. ECS400
  • ECS400 will do one large distributed web project instead of small programming assignments and will not go into as much depth in CGI programming and Java. Topics covered are similar.
CPS606 vs. CPS616
  • CPS606 will concentrate on Web-based programming, particularly Java, while CPS616 will cover a variety of topics: VRML, Web-database, collaborative systems, etc. Type of coursework is similar.

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Foil 5 PERL4

From Computational methods for Distributed Information Systems--Fall96 CPS606fall96 -- Fall Semester 96. * See also color IMAGE
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? Text: Learning PERL (the Llama book), Randal L. Schwartz, O¹Reilly & Associates, 1993.
PERL4 is an interpreted language that can be regarded as a cross between C, Unix shell, sed and awk. It is a C-based language which can also deal directly with Unix commands and file system and easily do string processing matching.
In this course, we will concentrate not on using PERL in systems programming, but in using PERL for CGI programming, i.e. implementing programs activated from Web pages. Most programs are written from templates.
In general, we use PERL for tedious high level things which can take a long time to program but not much execution time. For computationally intense programs, we would use a compiled language such as C.

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Foil 6 Java

From Computational methods for Distributed Information Systems--Fall96 CPS606fall96 -- Fall Semester 96. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Text: Core Java, Cornell and Horstmann, Sunsoft Press, Prentice-Hall, April 1996.
Java is a new general purpose object-oriented language developed at Sun Microsystems. It is intended to be a simpler cleaner language than C++.
Java features support the implementation of dynamic multimedia web pages.
  • It can run in a distributed manner: Java classes, called applets, can be compiler to architecture independent bytecodes which can be downloaded to a Web browser and run on the client machine.
  • New web browsers such as HotJava and Netscape2.0 allow tags in the web pages to refer to applets on the web server. Applets can also be interpreted directly by putting JavaScript directly into the web page.

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Foil 7 Course Requirements

From Computational methods for Distributed Information Systems--Fall96 CPS606fall96 -- Fall Semester 96. * See also color IMAGE
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Lectures MW 7-8:20.
The coursework will consist primarily of from 6-8 programming assignments. Students will also be asked to keep a class web page that records their work. Each assignment will be properly described and documented in a web page.
There will be a short final project (of about 3 weeks) with some choice of topic. The project should be described in a web-based report, and will include, of course, a link to the web demonstration of the program.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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