Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 19 September 1997

Foil 11 Quantum Computing - III

From Master Set of Foils for 1997 Session of CPS615 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Interactions between quantum systems can cause "spin-flips" or state transitions and so implement arithmetic
2 Incident photons can "read" state of system and so give I/O capabilities
3 Quantum "bits" called qubits have another property as one has not only
  • State |0> and state |1> but also
  • Coherent states such as .7071*(|0> + |1>) which are equally in either state
4 Lloyd describes how such coherent states provide new types of computing capabilities
  • Natural random number as measuring state of qubit gives answer 0 or 1 randomly with equal probability
  • As Feynman suggests, qubit based computers are natural for large scale simulation of quantum physical systems -- this is "just" analog computing

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