Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 19 September 1997

Foil 20 Ames Summer 97 Workshop on Device Technology -- RSFQ

From Master Set of Foils for 1997 Session of CPS615 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Several at the meeting were aware of Likharev's rapid single flux quantum (RSFQ) superconducting logic. They agree that it is a very interesting development, and further that it is fairly certain to work well.
2 However, they feel that the requirement for liquid helium temperatures is a severe impediment to widespread utilization, and without commodity production it is unlikely to be economic.
  • See later for details and other difficulties!
3 According to Stan Williams, recently Likarev came to Hewlett Packard.
4 He offered HP all of his patents, only asking that they develop the technology.
5 But HP management still declined. Williams quipped that if some company decided to produce RSFQ technology, somehow assembling the $100 million or so required in start-up capital, the day after they produce their first devices it would pronounced a great success, but on the second day the company would fold financially.

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