Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 19 September 1997

Foil 18 Ames Summer 97 Workshop on Device Technology -- Alternate Technologies II

From Master Set of Foils for 1997 Session of CPS615 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox

In contrast, DNA computing and the like are still curiosities with no clear path to practical high-speed computing.
One exciting development, which has emerged just in the past year or two, is nanotubes, i.e. cylindrical buckyballs.
It was recently discovered that a nanotube can be "tuned" from insulator to semiconductor to conductor just by changing the pitch of the helical structure of carbon atoms.
Kinks introduced in a tube can be used to form a conductor-semiconductor junction.
  • Molecular modeling is being used to further explore some of the possibilities.

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