Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 2 September 1997

Foil 18 Various Styles/Terms in Messaging Passing - II

From CPS615 Laplace Example -- Programming Models and Performance CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Crystalline Communication: The style in which a node reading or writing is blocked until the matching operation is performed in the target node. Messages can only be sent or received between processors with direct hardware connection
Domain Decomposition or Data Parallelism: The programming Style in which parallelism is achieved by dividing the data on which algorithm works among the processors.
Interrupt Driven Communication: A system in which messages arriving at a node cause an interruption in the flow of the program executing there. The system (or user program) must handle the incoming message before returning to the place where the interrupt occured.
  • Active messages and Java RMI - Remote Method Invocation (UNIX RPC) are implemented this way
Loosely Synchronous Communication: The Programming model in which an application is divided into compute followed by communication phases.
  • The BSP (Bulk Synchronization ) system uses this. The communcation phase is often implemented with collective communication and serves to synchronize processors

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