HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 29 August 1995

Foil 38 Current Important Parallel Computers --1995

From Initial CPS615 Course and Parallel Computing Overview CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 95. by Geoffrey C. Fox *

1 There are several machines still being used but the number of vendors and diversity of designs has shrunk
2 The SIMD Maspar and AMT DAP are focusing on database and other niche markets such as signal processing. They are not considered mainstream any longer.
3 The MIMD nCUBE3 is not deployed and the nCUBE2 is uncompetitive in science arena. The company is focusing on video server market.
4 The major pure MIMD distributed memory machines are the IBM SP-2 and Intel Paragon with the IBM having the best node CPU and the Paragon a superior network
5 There is a spectrum of shared memory machines from
  • CRAY T3D using Digital alpha RISC node where shared memory support translates into low latency message passing support for small messages on a basically distributed architecture
  • Convex Exemplar uses HP's RISC node in a cluster of shared memory modules
  • The SGI Power Challenge represents a powerful BUS based system in modest size systems with initial scaling viewing bunchs of Power challenge machines as a distributed memory system.

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