Scripted HTML version of Foils prepared 29 August 1995

Foil 23 Syracuse Graduate Computational Science Academic Programs

From Initial CPS615 Course and Parallel Computing Overview CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 95. by Geoffrey C. Fox *

Minors in Computational Science
Masters Level Certificate:
  • Available to graduate students enrolled in any SU masters or Ph.D. program
  • Courses required for certificate are one from each area (15 credits)
    • 1. CPS 615: Introduction to Computational Science -- Simulation or
    • 1. CPS 616: Computational Science for Information Applications
    • (probably CPS 606 can be substituted here)
  • 2. Applications of Computer Science (e.g. CPS713/714)
  • 3. High Performance Parallel Computing
  • 4. Methodology and techniques
  • 5. Computational Science elective -Relevant course chosen by student - (e.g. CPS730)
Doctoral level Certificate:
  • 5 courses as above with one more elective (18 credits)
  • Make a contribution to computational science through the research of the dissertation
Doctoral level Certificate in Computational Neuroscience:
  • Joint program Bioengineering (Institute of Sensory Research, SUNY Health Science Center, Computer Science

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