Title and abstract for

Master Material for Second set of lectures on CPS615 Parallel Computing

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science on Fall Semester 95. Foils prepared 18 Sept 1995
which leads to edit sector initialized at overall parameters
Summary of Addons which lists all addon files pointed to in foilset
This is a SINGLE file Containing all Foils in nonIMAGE (i.e. HTML) form
This contains all WebWisdom links preceded by those referenced in this foilset
This contains an Index of Foilset Suitable for Printing (There is no easy way of Printing all foils -- just the index)
This just contains Title of Foilset and Links

This starts with a discussion of Parallel Computing using analogies from nature
It uses foils and material from CSEP chapter on Computer Architecture to discuss how and why to build a parallel computer including synchronization memory structure and network issues
SIMD and MIMD Architectures with a brief comparison of workstation networks with closely coupled systems
A look to the future is based on results from Petaflops workshop

© on Tue Oct 7 1997