Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 22 February 98

Foil 6 Adaptive Parallel Romberg - CommAll Version
At each iteration, data is decomposed again by all processors.

From Parallel Computation Illustrated with Adaptive Integration CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 95. by Nancy J McCracken

1 Instead of assigning subintervals or decomposing iterations among the processors, we treat each element of matrix oldf as an interval and decompose intervals among the processors.
2 Adaptive: only those subintervals which do not meet the error criteria are iterated. Since this leads to load imbalance, processors divide up intervals each time.
3 Introduce a boolean array to keep track of which intervals need further computing. After each iteration, if K intervals need further computing, each processor assigns itself K/Nproc intervals in a contiguous set.
4 Initial Decomposition:
5 Decomposition after iteration:
6 Note that each processor "owns" a contiguous set of indices and works on a subset.

in Table To:

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