Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 22 February 98

Foil 8 More discussion of Neighbors version

From Parallel Computation Illustrated with Adaptive Integration CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 95. by Nancy J McCracken

We believe this converges as the below average load processors stay fixed, and extra load will flow "downhill" until it gets there. This is probably more slowly converging than necessary - there are lots of possible algorithms, including arbitrarily stopping after some number of iterations.
The load balancing iterations may take up to Nproc sends and receives of only a small number of values. If there is no significant load imbalance, this may be much less, making this method have less message-passing than the CommAll algorithm.
Variation: In this application and in general, the units of computation do not have to be contiguous. Each processor can have a list of the indices that it is working on and send load to neighbors with wraparound, or communicate load to other choices of processors.

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