function Grav(X,M)
C accepts positions of particles X and masses of particles M
C returns accelerations in Grav
C Uses completely parallel calculation, ignoring anti-symmetry of force
integer, parameter :: N =number of particles
real, parameter :: G = gravitational constant
real array (1:3, 1:N) :: X,M,Grav
! calculates acceleration on body i due to body j in entries ( :,i,j )
real array (1:3, 1:N,1:N) :: A, Xi, Xj, Ms, D, R
logical, array (1:3, 1:N,1:N) ::diag
integer i,j,k
! diag is true for diagonal of N by N slices
forall ( k=1:3, i=1:N, j=1:N ) diag = (i.eq.j)
! set up arrays of particles Xi and particles Xj
Xi = spread (X, dim =3, ncopies = N )
Xj = spread (X, dim = 2, ncopies = N )
Ms = spread (M, dim=2, ncopies = N )
! displacements and Euclidean distance
D = Xj - Xi
R = sqrt (spread ( sum ( D*D, dim=1), dim =1, ncopies=3)))
! calculate accelerations for all pairs except on main diagonal
where (diag)
end where
Grav = sum (A, dim=3)
end function Grav
Case when i compared to i is not needed as particles dont interact with themselves
At step k, interact particle i with particle j= 1 + mod((i+k-1),N)
Accumulate force on i due to j in fixed Ai
Accumulate negative of this as force on j due to i in circulating Acj
At the end of the algorithm, add Ai and Aci
In parallel version, Note that Ai will be calculated in "home processor for particle i but Aci will travel around the machine being accumulated in processor holding particle j
Thus this violates the owner computes rule and so this parallel algorithm must be implemented by hand -- the compiler will not find it automatically
function Grav(X,M)
C accepts positions of particles X and masses of particles M
C returns accelerations in Grav
integer, parameter :: N =number of particles
real, parameter :: G = gravitational constant
real, dimension (1:3, 1:N) :: X,M,Grav
real, dimension (1:3,1:N) :: A, Xc, Mc, Ac, D, R
integer k
! A is fixed accelerations - X and M are used for fixed positions and masses
Ac=0.0 ! circulating accelerations
Xc=X ! circulating positions
M=G*M ! precalculate mass * gravitational constant
Mc=M ! circulating masses
if (( N mod 2) = 0 ) then ! final one way acceleration if N even
Xc = cshift (Xc, dim=2, shift = -1)
Mc = cshift (Mc, dim=2, shift = -1)
Ac = cshift (Ac, dim=2, shift = -1)
D = Xc-X
R = sqrt (spread (sum (D*D, dim=1), dim=1, ncopies=3)))
D = D/R**3
A = A + Mc*D
end if
! combine accelerations for final result - circulating particle in i'th
! position corresponds to fixed particle (i-(N-1)/2)
Grav = A + cshift (Ac, dim=2, shift = (N-1)/2)
end function Grav
Consider time for Runge Kutta invocation of function Grav
Shifting particles communicates one set of particle information - all processors communicate at the same time giving estimate:
9 * tcomm (factor should be 7 as need only 1 not 3 masses as we used in simple implementation earlier)
we are ignoring latency which in practice means best implementation transfers several (not N-1 as in naive data parallel algorithm) particles at a time
Floating point calculations: roughly 3(x,y,z) of -, *, sum, sqrt, exp, /, *, +, *, + which can be summarized as estimate: > 30 tfloat
Each communicated particle is interacted with the N/Nproc particles in the local partition of that processor and each step has one shift giving a total time for (N-1)/2 steps in Grav:
Also we used a one-dimension parallel decomposition
Note these one dimensional characteristics are independent of dimension of space that particles move in.
Normally d is thought of as dimension of physical space in which problem posed.
But the geometrical interpretation of d is only valid where interaction between particles is itself geometrical i.e. short range
Rather N body algorithm has no geometric structure and you see d=1 characteristic of algorithm
See Chapter 3 of Parallel Computing Works for a longer discussion of this from a "Complex Systems" point of view
Note the simple N-body problem has some interesting features
Very low communication/compute ratios
Best parallel methods violate owner computes rule -- also true in recent molecular dynamics problems with shorter range force
Unexpected dimension