HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 December 1996

Foil 15 Dynamic Data Mapping

From CPS615-Align and Distribute in HPF Delivered Lectures of CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- 1 October 96. by Geoffrey C. Fox *
Secs 211.6
1 One data mapping is often not appropriate for an entire program
  • Often one has phases in which different distributions are needed in different phases
  • e.g. in 2D FFT, one typically finds FFT of F(I,J) by first distributing so for each J all I (x values) are in same processor and then transform so that for each I all J are in same processor
  • This ensures no communication in FFT phases which is important as typically in distributed one dimensional FFT there is substantial overhead
2 ALLOCATABLE arrays can change size
3 REALIGN and REDISTRIBUTE are executable DISTRIBUTE and ALIGN commands but are only to be used if one declares arrays on which they act DYNAMIC
4 Naturally DYNAMIC arrays can be initialized by ALIGN or DISTRIBUTE statements

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