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call MPI_RECV(
IN start_of_buffer Address of place to store data(address is INput
values of data are of course output starting at this adddress!)
IN buffer_len Maximum number of items allowed
IN datatype Type of each data type
IN source_rank Processor number (rank) of source
IN tag only accept messages with this tag value
IN communicator Communicator of both sender and receiver group
OUT return_status Data structure describing what happened!
OUT error_message) Error Flag (absent in C)
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Note that return_status is used after completion of receive to find actual received length (buffer_len is a MAXIMUM), actual source processor rank and actual message tag
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In C syntax is
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int error_message=MPI_Recv(void *start_of_buffer,int buffer_len, MPI_DATATYPE datatype, int source_rank, int tag, MPI_Comm communicator, MPI_Status *return_status)