HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 27 December 1996

Foil 15 Possible Programming Models

From CPS615-Introduction to F90 Features, Rationale for HPF and Problem Architecture Delivered Lectures of CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- 24 September 96. by Geoffrey C. Fox *
Secs 218.8
1 Explicit Message Passing as in PVM or MPI
2 User breaks program into parts and the parts send messages between them to implement communication necessary for synchronization and integration of parts into solution of a single program
3 This matches hardware but is not particularly natural for problem and can be machine dependent
4 Object Oriented programming is like message passing but now objects and not programs communicate
  • Very good when objects are natural from the problem and represent functional parallelism
  • However in data parallel problems tackled with object oriented approach, one must break problem up into a number of objects that depends on number of processors and so reflects machine and not problem

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