Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 26 September 1996

Foil 68 What does an HPF Compiler do?

From HPCC Software Technologies Fall 96 -- Overview and HPF Delivered Lectures of CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- 26 September 96. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 It must generate Fortran77(90) + Message Passing code or possibly in one pass map HPF code onto parallel machine code
2 Traditional dataflow and dependency analysis is especially critical in Fortran77 parts of code
3 It must use data mapping assertions to decide what is stored where and so organize computation
4 Code must be transformed to respect this owner-computes model
5 It must typically use "Loosely Synchronous" model with communicate-compute phases and then compiler generates all the communication needed
  • Due to latency issues compiler must minimize communication needed and maximize size of packets sent
6 We need an excellent run-time library which the compiler invokes with parallel Intrinsics etc.

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