Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 26 September 1996

Foil 100 WHERE (masked array assignment) in HPF

From HPCC Software Technologies Fall 96 -- Overview and HPF Delivered Lectures of CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- 26 September 96. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 This is as in CMFortran and Maspar MPFortran with example:
  • WHERE (A .GT. 0) A = A - 100
2 Semantics of WHERE statement:
    • 1. evaluate mask (in parallel) and store as a temporary T1
    • 2. for each i that T1(i)=.TRUE. compute T2(i)=A(i) - 100
    • 3. for each i that T1(i)=.TRUE. assign A(i)=T2(1)

in Table To:

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