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Feb 12 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- Basic JavaScript Functionalities and Examples

Given by Geoffrey Fox at CPS616 spring 1997 on Feb 12 1997. Foils prepared 21 February 97

This discusses in detail use of JavaScript in forms (including event handler examples) and paramterized HTML
Then it covers LiveWire, JavaScript URLs, JavaScript entities
The formal structure of <SCRIPT> tag
Comparison of Java and JavaScript
Start of Language Discussion

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
CPS616-97Feb12LectureFeb 12 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- 
                      Basic JavaScript Functionalities and Examples
CPS616JavaScript97   JavaScript Tutorial for CPS616 Technologies of 
                      the Information Age 1997
Dynamic FakeFoilSet   Title and Abstract of FakeFoilset

Table of Contents for Feb 12 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- Basic JavaScript Functionalities and Examples

JavaScript Functionalities and Exemplars
CPS616-97Feb12Lecture 015 001 CPS 616 JavaScript Lectures
                              with Audio February 12 97
                              Basic JavaScript Functionalities and 
CPS616-97Feb12Lecture 016 002 Abstract of CPS616-97 Lecture of 
                              February 12

Basic JavaScript Capabilities
   CPS616JavaScript97 008 003 Hello World Example of JavaScript- I
   CPS616JavaScript97 009 004 Hello World Example of JavaScript- II
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 003 005 Text attributes
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 004 006 Background color(the only HTML color 
                              that may be changed on-the-fly is the 
                              background color)
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 005 007 Stanford Background Color Selector

Simple JavaScript Form
   CPS616JavaScript97 010 008 Example of Clicking on a Form - I
   CPS616JavaScript97 011 009 Example of Clicking on a Form - II
   CPS616JavaScript97 010 010 Example of Clicking on a Form - I
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 006 011 alertmethod (this method is useful for 
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 007 012 onunload event handler

Parameterized HTML
   CPS616JavaScript97 012 013 Example of Parameterized HTML
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 008 014 Embedding Images in the Document
   CPS616JavaScript97 012 015 Example of Parameterized HTML

Diversion on LiveWire and SCRIPT tag
   CPS616JavaScript97 013 016 LiveWire -- Netscape's Approach to CGI
   CPS616JavaScript97 014 017 Refinements in the <SCRIPT> Tag - 
   CPS616JavaScript97 015 018 Refinements in the <SCRIPT> Tag - 

JavaScript URL's
   CPS616JavaScript97 016 019 JavaScript URL's
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 009 020 Interpreted JavaScript
   CPS616JavaScript97 016 021 JavaScript URL's

JavaScript Entities
   CPS616JavaScript97 017 022 JavaScript Entities in HTML
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 010 023 JavaScript Entity

Java versus JavaScript
   CPS616JavaScript97 018 024 JavaScript Compared to Java - I
   CPS616JavaScript97 019 025 JavaScript Compared to Java - II

Start of Formal JavaScript Language
   CPS616JavaScript97 020 026 The JavaScript Language -- Values, Names
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 011 027 simple addition

List of Foils Used as they occur

CPS616-97Feb12LectureFeb 12 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- 
                      Basic JavaScript Functionalities and Examples
15 16
CPS616JavaScript97   JavaScript Tutorial for CPS616 Technologies of 
                      the Information Age 1997
8 9 10 11 10 12 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20
Dynamic FakeFoilSet   Title and Abstract of FakeFoilset
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Sorted List of Foils Used

CPS616-97Feb12LectureFeb 12 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- 
                      Basic JavaScript Functionalities and Examples
15 16
CPS616JavaScript97   JavaScript Tutorial for CPS616 Technologies of 
                      the Information Age 1997
8 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20
Dynamic FakeFoilSet   Title and Abstract of FakeFoilset
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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Page produced by wwwfoil on Fri Feb 21 1997