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Feb 17/19 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- aJavaScript Language Objects and Frames

Given by Geoffrey Fox at CPS616 spring 1997 on Feb 17 and 19 1997. Foils prepared 21 February 97

Basic Language variables and Statements
Objects, functions and constructors
New and Old Array syntax
Built in Objects and Methods including parseInt, parseFloat, eval, Date, String, Math, Function and Number
Frames in HTML and JavaScript
Event Handlers
setTimeout / clearTimeout

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
CPS616-97Feb17LectureFeb 17/19 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- 
                      aJavaScript Language Objects and Frames
CPS616JavaScript97   JavaScript Tutorial for CPS616 Technologies of 
                      the Information Age 1997
Dynamic FakeFoilSet   Title and Abstract of FakeFoilset

Table of Contents for Feb 17/19 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- aJavaScript Language Objects and Frames

JavaScript Language Objects and Frames
CPS616-97Feb17Lecture 017 001 CPS 616 JavaScript Lectures
                              with Audio February 17 and 19 97
                              Language Objects and Frames
CPS616-97Feb17Lecture 018 002 Abstract of CPS616-97 Lectures of 
                              February 17 and 19

JavaScript Language
   CPS616JavaScript97 020 003 The JavaScript Language -- Values, Names
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 003 004 Type Conversion--Subtracting Strings and
   CPS616JavaScript97 021 005 The JavaScript Language -- Expressions -
   CPS616JavaScript97 022 006 The JavaScript Language -- Expressions -
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 004 007 String Operators: the Concatenation 
   CPS616JavaScript97 023 008 The JavaScript Language -- Conditionals

JavaScript Object Model
   CPS616JavaScript97 024 009 JavaScript Object Model -- I
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 005 010 Object Hierarchy in JavaScript
   CPS616JavaScript97 025 011 JavaScript Object Model -- II
   CPS616JavaScript97 026 012 Example of a JavaScript Function
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 006 013 Recursion Example
   CPS616JavaScript97 027 014 Creation of JavaScript Objects
   CPS616JavaScript97 028 015 User Defined Objects Continued
   CPS616JavaScript97 029 016 The JavaScript with Statement for 
   CPS616JavaScript97 030 017 The for ... in JavaScript syntax

JavaScript Arrays
   CPS616JavaScript97 031 018 The New Way of Defining Arrays
   CPS616JavaScript97 032 019 The old MakeArray Function and Arrays of
   CPS616JavaScript97 033 020 More on Arrays -- Properties and 
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 007 021 Arrays Example
   CPS616JavaScript97 034 022 The arguments Array in JavaScript

The this property
   CPS616JavaScript97 035 023 The this keyword in JavaScript

Built in JavaScript Objects and Methods
   CPS616JavaScript97 036 024 The parseInt parseFloat System functions
   CPS616JavaScript97 037 025 The eval JavaScript Function 
   CPS616JavaScript97 038 026 Built-In JavaScript and LiveWire Objects

Here we Start Feb19 Lecture
   CPS616JavaScript97 038 027 Built-In JavaScript and LiveWire Objects

The Math Object in JavaScript
   CPS616JavaScript97 039 028 The Math and Number Objects in 
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 008 029 Math properties(an exhaustive list)
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 009 030 Math computation(a simple example of 
                              reading/writing form data
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 010 031 Math methods (an incomplete list)

String Object in JavaScript
   CPS616JavaScript97 040 032 The String Object in JavaScript - I
   CPS616JavaScript97 041 033 Explanation of String methods - I
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 011 034 Text attributes
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 012 035 Text size(an exhaustive list)
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 013 036 Strings (the JavaScript 'substring' 
                              method is wierd)
   CPS616JavaScript97 042 037 The String Object in JavaScript - II
   CPS616JavaScript97 043 038 Explanation of String methods - II

Date Object in JavaScript
   CPS616JavaScript97 044 039 The Date Object in JavaScript
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 014 040 Creating Date Object Instances
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 015 041 Using Date Object Methods

Navigator window Document Objects
   CPS616JavaScript97 045 042 The Structure of the Navigator 
                              Object/Property Hierarchy
   CPS616JavaScript97 046 043 The Confused Window Labelling Scheme
   CPS616JavaScript97 047 044 The Window Hierarchy Pictorially
   CPS616JavaScript97 048 045 Creating New Windows

Frames in HTML/JavaScript
   CPS616JavaScript97 049 046 Role of Frames in JavaScript 
   CPS616JavaScript97 050 047 Frame Basics in Netscape HTML -- Example
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 016 048 Frames (writing) (a typical use of 
                              frames and JavaScript involving a 
                              control frame and a content frame)
   CPS616JavaScript97 051 049 Frame Basics in Netscape HTML -- Rules
   CPS616JavaScript97 052 050 Use of Dummy Frames in JavaScript
   CPS616JavaScript97 053 051 General Syntax of <Frameset> 
   CPS616JavaScript97 054 052 General Syntax of <Frame> tag

Event Handlers
   CPS616JavaScript97 055 053 Event Handlers in JavaScript - I
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 017 054 onMouseOver method (better examples are 
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 018 055 onunload event handler
   CPS616JavaScript97 056 056 Event Handlers in JavaScript - II
   CPS616JavaScript97 057 057 Event Handlers in JavaScript - III
   CPS616JavaScript97 058 058 Event Handlers in JavaScript - IV

Function Object
   CPS616JavaScript97 059 059 The Function Object and Event Handlers

Take a rest with an Example
   CPS616JavaScript97 060 060 JavaScript Form Example
   CPS616JavaScript97 061 061 JavaScript Link Example
   CPS616JavaScript97 062 062 Structure of Index -- mainframe Case

   CPS616JavaScript97 063 063 setTimeout and clearTimeout
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 019 064 setTimeout method
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 020 065 Scrolling text using setTimeout
  Dynamic FakeFoilSet 021 066 Slide Show with Colors
   CPS616JavaScript97 064 067 setTimeOut Example -- Display Current 
                              Time - I
   CPS616JavaScript97 065 068 setTimeOut Example -- Display Current 
                              Time - II

List of Foils Used as they occur

CPS616-97Feb17LectureFeb 17/19 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- 
                      aJavaScript Language Objects and Frames
17 18
CPS616JavaScript97   JavaScript Tutorial for CPS616 Technologies of 
                      the Information Age 1997
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
Dynamic FakeFoilSet   Title and Abstract of FakeFoilset
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Sorted List of Foils Used

CPS616-97Feb17LectureFeb 17/19 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- 
                      aJavaScript Language Objects and Frames
17 18
CPS616JavaScript97   JavaScript Tutorial for CPS616 Technologies of 
                      the Information Age 1997
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
Dynamic FakeFoilSet   Title and Abstract of FakeFoilset
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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Page produced by wwwfoil on Fri Feb 21 1997