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Feb 3 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- Java Lecture 4 -- AWT Through I/O

Given by Nancy McCracken at CPS616 spring 1997 on Feb 3 1997. Foils prepared 4 February 97

AWT Components , Actions and Layout Managers
Skip over Thread Details
Important Java Classes including Object class
I/O and File Operations
Security Concerns in Applets
URL's and Networking

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
CPS616-97Feb3LectureFeb 3 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- Java 
                     Lecture 4 -- AWT Through I/O
NPACJavaTutorial96.3Java Tutorial - Fall 1996 Part 3:Graphics and the 
                     Abstract Windowing Toolkit
NPACJavaTutorial96.4Java Tutorial - Fall 1996 Part 4:  Multithreading,
                      useful Java classes, I/O, Networking, and the 

Table of Contents for Feb 3 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- Java Lecture 4 -- AWT Through I/O

Fourth Java Lecture of CPS 616 Spring 1997
CPS616-97Feb3Lecture 009 001 CPS 616 Java Lectures
                             with Audio February 3 97
                             AWT Through I/O
CPS616-97Feb3Lecture 010 002 Abstract of CPS616-97 Lecture of February

Basic AWT Components
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 038 003 Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT): 
                             Components such as buttons, textfields,  
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 039 004 Structure of the java.awt GUI Components 
                             - I
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 040 005 Structure of the java.awt GUI Components 
                             - II
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 041 006 Picture of the AWT Component Class and 
                             its inheritance
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 042 007 Some Simple AWT Components -- 
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 043 008 AWT Components -- Checkbox 
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 044 009 AWT Components -- Radio Buttons , 
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 045 010 Some Further AWT Components -- typical 
                             subunits of panels
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 046 011 AWT Components -- Text Fields & Areas
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 047 012 Some Further AWT Components -- Canvas, 
                             Window - I
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 048 013 Some Further AWT Components -- Canvas, 
                             Window - II

Actions in AWT
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 050 014 Actions associated with Components in AWT
                              - I
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 051 015 Actions associated with Components in AWT
                              - II
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 052 016 A more general way to handle events
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 051 017 Actions associated with Components in AWT
                              - II

Layouts and Their Managers in AWT
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 054 018 Layout of Components in a Panel
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 055 019 Description and Example of BorderLayout
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 056 020 Brief Description of Four Other 
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 057 021 FlowLayouts in detail
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 058 022 Hierarchical use of LayoutManagers
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 059 023 AWT - Grid Layout with Two Components
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 060 024 AWT  - Adding Components to a Layout
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 061 025 AWT - Canvas Component
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 063 026 AWT - Panel Component with Buttons
NPACJavaTutorial96.3 062 027 AWT - Handling Actions from Components

Now to next Part of Tutorial and Skip over Threads
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 001 028 Java Tutorial - Fall 1996
                             Part 4:  Multithreading, useful Java 
                             classes, I/O, Networking, and the future
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 002 029 Threads are part of the Java Language!

Basic Java Classes
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 012 030 Useful Basic Java Classes
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 013 031 The Overarching Object Class
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 014 032 Determining and Testing Class of Object
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 015 033 java.lang.Object Wrappers
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 016 034 The java.lang.Math class
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 017 035 The Date class
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 018 036 The String class
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 019 037 More on Strings, and the StringBuffer 
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 020 038 ReverseString Class 
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 021 039 The Vector class
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 022 040 Methods for Vectors
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 023 041 The Hashtable class

I/O and Files
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 024 042 I/O and the Stream Zoo
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 025 043 I/O Streams
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 026 044 The Input Stream Zoo
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 027 045 FilterInputStreams 
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 028 046 Networking and Web Access
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 029 047 Networking and Web Access in Java

NPACJavaTutorial96.4 030 048 Security Concerns for Applets
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 031 049 Table for Java file and network access

URL's and Networking
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 032 050 Accessing URL's in Java -- URL, 
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 033 051 Accessing URL's in Java -- URLConnection
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 034 052 I/O:  Reading a File known by URL
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 035 053 I/O:  Setting up the URL, Layout and 
NPACJavaTutorial96.4 036 054 I/O:  Reading the Text File

List of Foils Used as they occur

CPS616-97Feb3LectureFeb 3 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- Java 
                     Lecture 4 -- AWT Through I/O
9 10
NPACJavaTutorial96.3Java Tutorial - Fall 1996 Part 3:Graphics and the 
                     Abstract Windowing Toolkit
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 51 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 63 62
NPACJavaTutorial96.4Java Tutorial - Fall 1996 Part 4:  Multithreading,
                      useful Java classes, I/O, Networking, and the 
1 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Sorted List of Foils Used

CPS616-97Feb3LectureFeb 3 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- Java 
                     Lecture 4 -- AWT Through I/O
9 10
NPACJavaTutorial96.3Java Tutorial - Fall 1996 Part 3:Graphics and the 
                     Abstract Windowing Toolkit
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 51 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
NPACJavaTutorial96.4Java Tutorial - Fall 1996 Part 4:  Multithreading,
                      useful Java classes, I/O, Networking, and the 
1 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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Page produced by wwwfoil on Sun Feb 16 1997