Given by Geoffrey Fox at CPS616 spring 1997 on Feb 5 1997. Foils prepared 6 February 97
Abstract * Foil Index for this file
Secs 84.9
See also color IMAGE
We review role of Java as a language for computational science and engineering |
We divide use of Java into three areas:
We illustrate concepts with examples |
This table of Contents
Instructor: Nancy McCracken |
teamed with Meryem Ispirli, Geoffrey Fox, |
Tom Scavo, John Yip |
Syracuse University |
111 College Place |
Syracuse |
New York 13244-4100 |
We review role of Java as a language for computational science and engineering |
We divide use of Java into three areas:
We illustrate concepts with examples |
See Original Foil |
Bottom of Pyramid has 100 times dollar value and 1000 times compute power of best supercomputer |
See Original Foil |
Web Software MUST be cheaper and better than MPP software as more money invested! |
Therefore natural strategy is to get parallel computing environment by adding synchronization of parallel algorithms to loosely coupled Web distributed computing model |
Java likely to be a dominant language as will be learnt and used by a broad group of users
Java may replace C++ as major system building language
Java for the User Interface: This is roughly the "WebWindows Philosophy" of building applications to Web Server/Client Standards |
Java for Coarse Grain Software Integration: see collaboration and metacomputing |
Java as a high performance scientific language: for "inner" (and outer) loops Here parallelism is important but sequential issues also critical and first issues to examine! |
In future one will NOT write software for either
Rather one will write software for WebWindows defined as the operating environment for World Wide Web |
WebWindows builds on top of Web Servers and Web Client open interfaces as in
Applications written for WebWindows will be portable to all computers running Web Servers or Clients which hide hardware and native O/S specifics |
WebWindows Interface |
An example of Web-based Computing |
It lets researchers author tools and leave them on the machine of choice on the web |
It allows multiple data bases to intercommunicate with each other and the functional operators that the software tools represent and to make a web browser the window into this system. |
See Original Foil |
See Original Foil |
From Gregor von Laszewski |
In this section we look at Java for MetaComputing |
and in particular WebFlow which can be thought of as WebWindows version of AVS or Khoros |
See Original Foil | Hot Wired Tuesday January 7 Edition |
Applet calculates pi while you read article! |
See Original Foil | Hot Wired Tuesday January 7 Edition |
Applet calculates pi while you read article! |
Java for User Interfaces and MetaComputing is natural from its design! |
Java for your favourite Conjugate Gradient routine (etc.) is less obvious ….. |
Clearly Java can easily replace Fortran as a Scientific Computing Language as can be compiled as efficiently and has much better software engineering (object) and graphics (web) capabilities
Java can unify classic science and engineering computations with more qualitative macroscopic "distributed simulation and modelling" arena which is critical in military and to some extent industry |
1)Classic solution of large scale PDE or Particle dynamics problem
2)Modest Grain size Functional Parallelism as seen in overlap of communication and computation in a node process of a parallel implementation.
3)Object parallelism seen in Distributed Simulation where "world" modelled (typically by event driven simulation) as set of interacting macroscopic (larger than grid points) objects
4)MetaProblems consisting of several large grain functionally distinct components such as
Java: 1) Not Supported, 2) is Applet mechanism, 3) is Java Objects or Applets, 4) is JavaBeans or equivalent |
Fortran: 1)is supported in HPF, 2--4) are not supported |
As we saw large scale Applications need many forms of parallelism and it is not needed/appropriate to use the same mechanism for each form
Thus Java needs (runtime and perhaps language) extension to support HPF/HPC++ like (shared memory model for programmer) data parallelism but "Java plus message passing" is already here
We can use Java as an interface to to a Web-implemented simulation linking to either Server or Client |
NPAC HPJava Activity -- Michael Chang and Bryan Carpenter |
Key question is performance of Java |
Note Web Software can be run on High Performance IntraNets such as Iway so hardware need NOT be a problem! |
Java is currently semi-interpreted and (as in Linpack online benchmark) is about 50 times slower than good C or Fortran
Java --> (javac)--> Downloadable Universal Bytecodes --> (Java Interpreter) |
--> Native Machine Code
However Language can be efficiently compiled with "native compilers" |
Java ----> (native compiler) |
---> Native (for Particular Machine) Code |
Lots of Interesting Compiler issues for both compiled and scripted Java |
My SGI INDY gets .54 Megaflops for Java 100 by 100 Linpack |
It has 200 Mhz R4400 and current Netlib benchmark for this chip is 32 mflops for optimized Fortran |
For better resolution see JPEG Version |
See Original Foil |
see |
Note Just in Time Compilers are giving a factor of 10 from June 96 Measurements! |
One can use "native classes" which is just a predownloaded library of optimized runtime routines which can be high performance compiled Java, C, C++, Fortran, HPF etc. modules invoked by interpreted or compiled Java
Use Native Classes selectively for