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Foil 28 Using Java packages

From Jan 27 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- Java Lecture 2 -- Basic Applets and Objects CPS616 spring 1997 -- Jan 27 1997. by Nancy McCracken * See also color IMAGE
Secs 18.7
One conveniently uses files in a package by inserting
  • import mill.*
at the beginning of a file that needs classes from the mill package
  • Then classes in the mill package can be refered to by just using their Classname
  • Without the import command, one must explicitly say mill.Classname
Packages can be grouped hierarchically, with the corresponding directory tree. For example, the mill package could be a subpackage of agriculture. Then a class is referred to as agriculture.mill.Classname.
Except for classes provided with the Java language, all of which have the form java.X, a class that is imported or used must either be in the current directory or be accessible to the compiler through the CLASSPATH environment variable.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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