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Jan 27 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- Java Lecture 2 -- Basic Applets and Objects

Given by Nancy McCracken at CPS616 spring 1997 on Jan 27 1997. Foils prepared 1 February 97

Basic Object Structure of Java with general words for those unfamiliar with concept
Classes and Methods
Interfaces done briefly
Exceptions done quickly

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
CPS616-97Jan27LectureJan 27 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- 
                      Java Lecture 2 -- Basic Applets and Objects
NPACJavaTutorial96.2 Java Tutorial - Fall 1996 Part II: Java Language 
                      and Object-Oriented Concepts

Table of Contents for Jan 27 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- Java Lecture 2 -- Basic Applets and Objects

Second Java Lecture of CPS 616 Spring 1997
CPS616-97Jan27Lecture 005 001 CPS 616 Java Lectures
                              with Audio January 27 97
                              Objects -- Methods Interfaces etc.
CPS616-97Jan27Lecture 006 002 Abstract of CPS616-97 Lecture of January

Basic Object Oriented Structure in Java Language, Classes, Methods
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 036 003 The Java Object Model Overview
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 037 004 API of a Class
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 038 005 Using a Class
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 039 006 A Computational Class
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 040 007 Class Definitions
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 041 008 Constructors of Objects
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 042 009 Java Language -- Types of Classes - I
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 043 010 Java Language -- Types of Classes - II
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 044 011 Java Language -- Types of Methods
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 046 012 Relationships between Classes
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 047 013 Use of Methods Defined in Parent
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 048 014 Use of Methods Defined in Parent but 
                              overridden in child class
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 049 015 Comments on Casting
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 050 016 Array - A Pseudo Class!
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 051 017 By value and By reference 
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 054 018 Basic Class Operations
                              The Class Hierarchy of this example
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 055 019 Object-Oriented Programming in JAVA - 
                              defining a class
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 056 020 More methods in the class definition
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 057 021 Defining a child class
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 058 022 Using parent and child classes
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 059 023 Parent and child example, continued
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 060 024 Overloading Constructors
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 061 025 More child classes

Short Discussion of Interfaces
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 064 026 Java Language -- Interfaces - Overview

 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 072 027 Overview of Packages and Directory 
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 073 028 Using Java packages
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 074 029 Java System Packages

 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 077 030 Basic Structure of Exception Handling in
                               Nested Calls
 NPACJavaTutorial96.2 078 031 Examples of Exception Hierarchy

List of Foils Used as they occur

CPS616-97Jan27LectureJan 27 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- 
                      Java Lecture 2 -- Basic Applets and Objects
5 6
NPACJavaTutorial96.2 Java Tutorial - Fall 1996 Part II: Java Language 
                      and Object-Oriented Concepts
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 64 72 73 74 77 78

Sorted List of Foils Used

CPS616-97Jan27LectureJan 27 Delivered Lecture for Course CPS616 -- 
                      Java Lecture 2 -- Basic Applets and Objects
5 6
NPACJavaTutorial96.2 Java Tutorial - Fall 1996 Part II: Java Language 
                      and Object-Oriented Concepts
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 64 72 73 74 77 78

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