Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 15 1997

Foil 37 Sample code for ASP files - I

From Examples of JDBC -- Microsoft Access CPS616 -- Information Track of CPS -- Spring Semester 97. by Sangeeta Aggarwal,Tom Pulikal,Udayan Pravate(Nancy McCracken) *

&#060TITLE&#062Employees Directory&#060/TITLE&#062
&#060h2&#062 &#060center&#062&#060font color=red&#062Form for Employees Directory&#060/font&#062&#060/center&#062&#060/h2&#062
If IsObject(Session("workpg_conn")) Then
Set conn = Session("workpg_conn") workpg is ODBC System
Else DSN for an Access db
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") "workpg","",""
Set Session("workpg_conn") = conn
End If
If cstr(Request.QueryString("ok_ans")) &#060&#062 "" Then
rs.Fields("ok_ans").Value = Request.QueryString("ok_ans")
End If
If cstr(Request.QueryString("OptBody6")) &#060&#062 "" Then
rs.Fields("OptBody6").Value = Request.QueryString("OptBody6")
End If
% &#062

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