Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 21 January 98

Foil 33 Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Business (Enterprise Systems)

From General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 (PowerPoint) CPS616 Spring 98 -- 21 January 98. by Geoffrey Fox

1 OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) such as approving and recording credit card transactions. This is a type of InfoVision and Commerce which is operational today
  • Has major security and reliability demands but undemanding on computer and network
2 Decision Support varies from fraud detection, inventory planning and market segmentation for optimizing shopping by mail
3 Decision support can vary from search of a single giant relational database to galaxy-wide search of heterogeneous distributed database
4 Workflow Support as in LOTUS Notes integrates Collaboration, Project Management and Distributed Databases. This supports ongoing distributed enterprise -- this is also essential in collaboratory

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