Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 3 1998

Foil 7 Java Blend Features - II

From Java Blend and Cold Fusion High Level Database Interfaces CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. by Chao Wei Ou

Secs 72
Built Around the Java Object Model. Building an entire business application around the Java object model greatly simplifies development efforts.
Legacy Compatible. Java Blend is designed to work with existing database schemas. Applications developed with Java Blend can co-exist with existing database applications
Supports Multiple Architectures. Java Blend can be used in a two-tier client-server, but is also designed for use in the middle-tier server of a three-tier architecture with a thin client.
Conforms to ODMG Standards. Because the Java Blend programmer's interface is specifically designed to conform to the ODMG standard for object/relational mappings and object databases, it is easy to port to various DBMS products.

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