Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 3 1998

Foil 49 Data Input Validation Types

From Java Blend and Cold Fusion High Level Database Interfaces CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. by Chao Wei Ou

Secs 56.1
Cold Fusion offers several different types of data input validation.
Client-side - In a CFFORM, you can specify a JavaScript program in the ONVALIDATE attribute of tags like CFINPUT, CFGRID, CFSLIDER, CFTEXTINPUT, and CFTREE to perform input validation.
Server-side - In a CFFORM, you can enable validation in tags that support input validation (like CFINPUT and CFTEXTINPUT) using the VALIDATE attribute.
You can also use hidden fields in HTML forms to require user entries and to validate several common data types.

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