Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 3 1998

Foil 54 Dynamic SQL - II

From Java Blend and Cold Fusion High Level Database Interfaces CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. by Chao Wei Ou

Secs 73.4
For example, in the following code, a series of CFIF tags determine which SQL statements to append to the base SQL SELECT statement:
<CFQUERY NAME="EmpList" DATASOURCE="CF 3.0 Examples">
SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE 0=0
<CFIF #LastName# is not "">
AND LastName = '#LastName#'
<CFIF #FirstName# is not "">
AND FirstName LIKE '%#FirstName#%'
Tip: The WHERE 0=0 clause has no impact on the query submitted to the database. But if none of the conditions is true, it ensures that the WHERE clause does not result in a SQL syntax error.

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