HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared July 6,1995

Foil 44 Interacting in a MOO

From CPS600 Collaboration Presentation CPS600 Spring Semester 1995 Technologies for the Information Age -- March 1995. by Roman Markowski and Geoffrey Fox * See also color IMAGE

To join anyone currently logged into the MOO, type
  • @join <player> (such as: @join Colega)
Once you are with someone in a room, you can talk to them using just one quotation mark at the beginning of your sentence:
  • "<message> (such as: "Hi! How are you? )
To show actions and emotions, type the colon (:) followed by a sentence with no subject in the third person singular. So if Lonnie types
  • :smiles and waves to everybody.
Everyone in the room will see
  • Colega smiles and waves to everybody.
To access help files, just type help and follow instructions
To leave, type @quit

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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