Huffman encoding; Shannon-Fano encoding; arithmetic encoding
input is sliced into fixed units while the corresponding output comes in chunks of variable size
RLE -Run Length Encoding (TIFF, BMP)
lossless: Replace upto 127 identical characters by two bytes -- first byte is number of identical characters in string, second byte is character itself
For example: AAAAbbbbbccct ---> 4A5b3c1t
LZW - Lepel-Ziv-Welch (TIFF, GIF)
Directory based encoding algorithm
compress, zoo, lha, pkzip. arj
LZ77, LZ78
input is divided into units of variable length (words) and coded in a fixed-length output code
shorter bit patterns for most common characters
DCT - Discrete Cosine Transform (MPEG, JPEG, H.261)
lossy; converts the spatial image representation into a frequency map
DCT scheme is effective only for compressing continuous-tone images (from "Graphics File Formats", O'Reilly and Associates Inc., page 162 in description of JPEG algorithm)