HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared July 6,1995

Foil 12 MPEG - Moving Picture Experts Group

From CPS600 Compression Presentation CPS600 Spring 1995 -- March 1995. by Roman Markowski and Geoffrey Fox * See also color IMAGE

standard for compression (synchronized) audio and video
4 parts: video encoding, audio encoding, "systems" (synchronization) and compliance testing
defines 352x240 pixels (30 fps in USA, 25fps in Europe)
MPEG-1- designed for bandwidth up to 1.5 Mbps
MPEG-2 - higher quality; designed for bandwidth 4-10 Mbps
MPEG-3 - does not longer exist; MPEG-4 - very low bitrate coding
DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform ) done on 8x8 blocks
lossy algorithm with compression in space (DCT) and time (frame to frame)
3 types of frames
  • I (Intra) frames - sent every 10-12 frames as still images
  • P (Predicted) frames - deltas from the most recent I or P frame
  • B (Bidirectional) frames - interpolation between I and P frames

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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