HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared July 6,1995

Foil 27 2D Forward/inverse wavelet transform

From CPS600 Compression Presentation CPS600 Spring 1995 -- March 1995. by Roman Markowski and Geoffrey Fox * See also color IMAGE

Best methods use direct 2D methods starting with 2 by 2 or similar pixel blocks. However one can compose in several ways 1D transforms. It is NOT best to first transform in x and then transform in y. Rather ...
A nice method uses two separate but INTERMIXED 1D transforms
  • Image filtered along the x dimension
  • Downsample by 2 along x
  • Filter along the y dimension
  • Downsample by 2 along y
Recursively transform the average signal (depending on required ratio)
We have matrix of coefficients (average signal and detail signals of each scale); no compression has been accomplished yet; in fact there has been an increase in amount of storage required

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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