HELP! * BLUE=global GREY=local Global HTML version of Foils prepared July 23,1995

Foil 87 Parallel Server Option

From Full Relational Database HPDC-4 Presentation HPDC-4 Tutorial/CPS616 Spring95 -- August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. by Gang Cheng Marek Podgorny (Geoffrey Fox) * See also color IMAGE

Multiple Instances on different nodes share a single physical database
The data is accessed by all nodes through a parallel file subsystem
All instances have common data & controls files and their individual log files
All instances can simultaneously execute transactions against the single database, and each instance can have multiple users executing transactions
Data is kept consistent using PCM Technology
Implemented by the Distributed Lock Manager

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

If you have any comments about this server, send e-mail to

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