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Foil 100 Example of parallel execution of a full scan

From Full Relational Database HPDC-4 Presentation HPDC-4 Tutorial/CPS616 Spring95 -- August 1, Pentagon City Virginia. by Gang Cheng Marek Podgorny (Geoffrey Fox) * See also color IMAGE

The shared query server is known as Query Coordinator who is responsible for parallelizing operations and interpreting the results from query servers
Not all operators can be parallelized in Oracle 7.1.3
Oracle Server Parallizable Operations
  • Table Scans
  • Sorts (for ORDER BY, GROUP BY, Joins, DISTINCT)
  • Joins (Sort-Merge, Nested Loops)
  • Aggregates (GROUP BY, MIN, MAX, AVG, etc )
  • SET operations (eg., UNION, INTERSECT or MINUS) are not parallelized
See following two figures

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

If you have any comments about this server, send e-mail to

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